Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Emerging Church critics

Scanning various websites I have come across various criticisms of the emerging church. I'd have to admit I have some concerns however they generally seem to be based on fundamental Biblical principles. Most of the critcisms attack style rather than substance. There is a rather nasty debate about contextualisation going around which I have yet to get to he bottom of.
I wish that those who have concerns would address them in a reasonable and rational way rather than lobbing ecclesiastical bombshells just to make a point. I do not think the heart of the emerging church movement is toto take advantage of people or misrepresent the gospel. And if you are convinced they are off track, get into dialogue with them and biblically argue the issue. If you have some venom you need to dispense of, use it on those who truly misrepresent the gospel and take advantage of the vulnerable. You know who I mean..............

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